Embracing September: Campus Ministry in Full Swing!

Happy Fall, y’all! Thank you so much for reading my blog and partnering with me in campus ministry. This month has been special, I’m excited to share it with you.

This month, the ministry has continued to have a vibrant start as we have been getting into the swing of things. We have started up our small groups, or cores, had weekly student leader team meetings, and have dove in head-first into one-on-one Bible studies and fostering deeper connections with each other. I’ll share more about those below!


It has been such a joy to meet with my core and get to know them. We have a group of about 15 girls that are excited to meet regularly, build intentional friendships, and be open with each other about their lives and learn what it looks like to follow Jesus. Even when my cofa Keelee and I both came down with a cold on the same week and couldn’t lead core, our group was still enthusiastic about meeting together and played board games in the student union! Truly such a blessing.

Peer Team!

Each campus has several peer teams led by staff members. Peer teams are groups of corefas of the same gender who meet bimonthly in their peer team groups to fellowship, grow together as leaders, and be poured into so they may go and make disciples. This year, out staff members Darby Cleveland and Becca Wilson are combining peer teams, which gives more of the girl students a chance to connect with each other. I am so encouraged by all these women who I get to live life alongside this year on campus. 

For our first peer team meeting, we celebrated the September birthdays of Rian (left) and Audrey (right). Here they are performing original songs and reciting original poems to each other as birthday gifts. We have such a creative and fun team!

Student Hangouts!

I’ve had a blast getting to spend time with the students. We have been able to do so many fun things such as bake brownies, get ramen or boba together, play in a ping-pong tournament (which my roommates Grace and Madisyn won, see top image for the victory shot!), and support our flag football team. While I have such a unique and fun job, these activities accomplish far more than surface-level enjoyment. While having fun is wonderful, we have a deeper vision in which a thriving community is a community that knows and loves each other. And what better way to connect with college students!

I also get to lead 1-on-1 Bible studies, called Focus on Jesus (commonly referred to as FOJ) with four girls: Kadie, Emily, Mackenzie, and Alyssa. Each one of them is so special to me. Going through the study with them has taught me more about the heart of God. 

Student Testimony

This month’s student testimony is from UNT’s very own Azael Carrizosa! He is just one of many students who have grown closer to Jesus in college and is now reaching out to other students and showing them what Jesus is like.

Thank you for partnering with me in campus ministry, stories like Azael’s wouldn’t be possible without you!

Prayer Requests

- Pray for Fall Camp that is coming up in October! It’s a weekend retreat we take students on as an opportunity to build deeper relationships within cores and deliver pastoral messages to the community. 
- Pray that God would continue to make Himself known and move in people’s hearts, both on our Denton campuses and on all campuses in the DFW area. 
- Pray for wisdom and strength for the student leaders and staff as we continue to outreach and disciple students.

Thank you for reading my blog, I truly appreciate you.

Love you all, 


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