Fall Retreat and October Festivities!

Hello everyone! Thank you so much for reading my blog and supporting me so generously. I feel so blessed and I’m excited to share my experiences from October with you!

This month has been filled with so many sweet things. Let’s dive in!

Fall Retreat

Every year, we have an event called “Fall Retreat” where the students and their cores (small groups) spend a weekend at Mt. Lebanon as a chance to connect with each other and God. This year, our theme was Making Decisions, and how to think through that as followers of Jesus. We had a few students share personal stories about how they have thought through making decisions and how Jesus has shaped that process, and it was so encouraging and impactful. We also had a special guest speaker, Ronnie Worsham, who founded FOCUS and has faithfully served and loved countless people, come down on Sunday to speak to the students about his experiences making decisions having walked with Jesus for 50 years. I was very encouraged to hear from him and it brought many of us to tears, deeply moved by his story. 

Also, this year we joined our cores into teams, each wearing their respective team color, as seen in the photo above. It was a blast! We competed in a series of games and competitions that included an obstacle course, memory games, balancing games, and even a “zombie” pillow fight tournament. Not only were the activities fun, but also were a great way for students from the ministry at large in Denton to meet each other and connect. I had such a fun time spending intentional time and making lasting memories with my core. 

Personal Reflections

This month I have been reflecting on Matthew 16:24-25, where Jesus says, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it.” If you’re anything like me, at first glance, this statement may be difficult to swallow. It seems backwards to the way we may often think about life and what success looks like. However, I have learned that this statement from Jesus holds profound grace. As I have learned more about what following Jesus looks like and stepping into that, I am pleasantly surprised at how following Him actually gives me freedom and joy, as I no longer have to depend on myself to be enough. I invite you to reflect on this as well and hopefully find hope and joy on the other side. 

“FOCUS” Pocus

To celebrate October festivities, at our last TNF of the month, we invited students who wanted to participate to come dressed up in their Halloween costumes. I was impressed with their creativity and talent, and we had a great time worshipping together and making fun memories.

Upcoming Fun! 

In November, we are so excited to have Pizza Theology and UTD Alumni Night coming up! The information for these events is included in the graphics below. I would love to invite each of you to come if you are in the area or free to go! Feel free to reach out to me if you would like more information. 


I also wanted to let you know of an exciting opportunity for you to contribute to the future success of the ministry! We have an annual fundraiser called Keep Focus Growing (KFG), where we encourage our students raise funds, and staff will give matching funds up to $10,000! Please consider giving or let people know of this amazing opportunity. 

Student Testimony

Prayer Requests

Good news! This month, we had the privilege of welcoming Baby Elias Cleveland, the newborn son of Darby and Drew Cleveland, who are campus pastors with Denton FOCUS. Please pray for them as they navigate being new parents.

Pray for our biannual Pizza Theology event, that the students would be equipped to learn how to think about the topic at a college-level (What Does it Mean to Be Human?) rather than learn simply what to think. 

Pray for the ongoing one-on-one Bible studies (called Focus on Jesus, aka FOJ) that students are leading with one another, that they may continue to build spiritual friendships and learn more about what Jesus is like.

Thank you for reading my blog and supporting me! Your partnership means so much to me and is truly changing the lives of students on campus. 

Love you all,


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