Hello 2024! ~ January Update

Hello everyone, I hope your new year is off to a great start! Thank you so much for reading my blog and partnering with me in campus ministry. January was jam-packed and I’m excited to share all we got to do!

Winter Staff Retreat

Twice a year, all of the F.O.C.U.S. staff get to spend a few days at a retreat spending time preparing for the semester ahead, praying and reflecting on goals for the students on campus and the staff, and strengthening our relationships with each other. Over the winter break, all staff members read and reflected on a book titled “ To Love as God Loves: Conversations with the Early Church” by Roberta Bondi. During retreat, several staff members prepared sermons on various sections of the book. I enjoyed thinking deeply and historically about the love of God and what it looks like to walk with Him through the lenses of the church over time. 
We also got to go on a hike at a nearby state park. Enjoy these photos from that adventure!

Some of us on a hike!

Hike pt 2: We conquered a giant rock!

Me, Drew, and Steven (Denton staff) enjoying the view

Winter Retreat

Every year, FOCUS staff and students get to attend a four-day long retreat where we engage with faith intellectually and deepen our relationships with one another so we can be refreshed for a new semester and a light to those on campus. And what a refreshing time it was! We got to hear from our guest speaker, Dr. Daniel D. Lee, who is the founding Academic Dean of Fuller Seminary’s Center for Asian America Theology and Ministry. His overall message was about Disruptive Grace, how God’s grace disrupts the way we may see God and ourselves, and the joys and freedoms of living in His grace.

Something I’ve been reflecting on from retreat is the Parable of the Lost Son (Luke 15:11-32). If you are unfamiliar with this parable, the younger “lost” son is disobedient to his father, yet his father receives him with compassion and throws him a party. The older, obedient son is upset that he didn’t get celebrated for his obedience. Obedience is a good thing, but the older son is missing a key element. Dr. Lee emphasized that like the older son in the story, we can be obedient to God yet not trust that He is good. Do you ever relate to that? Well you’re not alone! I’ve been able to relate to this at times, and I notice this in some of the students as well. The encouragement from his message is that God is more concerned with our hearts than simply outward obedience. Our obedience can come from a place of joy and freedom rather than mere obligation, since our God wants good things for us. Winter retreat renewed the joy it is to be a child of God and get to love others in response to how Jesus has loved us. 

I was also touched by our Sunday night service, when students got to go on stage and read Luke 22:17-18 in their native language. What a vision for the inclusion and big picture God has for his kingdom!

Here are some photos of some fun moments from winter retreat:

Gospel Choir of students!! This was my FAVORITE.

Karaoke time!

Me and Ping (sweet girl in my core) enjoying nature!

More worship and Gospel Choir because I couldn’t get enough!


I am looking forward to a new semester with my core group of girls. We have welcomed three new girls to our small group this semester (Kalisha, Jackie, and Lia) and I am so excited to experience friendship and discipleship with them. The spring semester is especially exciting because after forming initial friendships during the fall, cores are typically able to flourish in having deeper connections with one other and having open and honest conversations to love, challenge, and lead each other to Jesus. Here are some pictures from this month: 

First core back from winter break!

TNF (Thursday Night Fellowship) and my core filled an entire row!

Mackenzie (FOJ, or Focus on Jesus, Bible study partner) and Me meeting the Buc-ee’s Beaver :)

Spring Classes

With a new semester, the apprentices get to take new classes and be invested in. I am beyond excited for all I get to learn and the questions I get to engage with. Currently we have started New Testament class with Garrett Davis (SMU campus pastor) and Rikk Watts (Research Professor of New Testament, Regent College!; he’s kind of a big deal!), Diversity with Sandra Salvador (Richland campus pastor), Holy Spirit with Ryan Bristow (Denton campus pastor), and our weekly classes from last semester with pastors Ronnie Worsham and Mandy Lanciani (UTD campus pastor). We are incredibly blessed to get to learn from such knowledgeable and passionate individuals who live out the principles they teach. I will be learning a lot and investing about half of my time into these classes, but I will be sure to update you on any specific subjects of relevance!

The apprentices celebrating Jessica Limon’s (UTD apprentice) birthday!

Prayer Requests and Good News

Unfortunately, during the winter break and early January, many of our students have experienced unexpected grief and illness, whether themselves or family members. I am heartbroken for them, and ask that you specifically lift up Denton FOCUS in your prayers. 

I am reminded of Romans 12:15, which says, “Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.” 

That is what we do as the body of Christ. We celebrate with each other in good times, and cry with each other in difficult, even devastating times. If you fall into either of these categories and would like prayer, feel free to reach out and I would love to pray for you or be there for you however I can. Even if you don’t reach out, know that I am praying for each of you. 

I would like to end with good news. While there is much I could share here, I would like to share the safe arrival of my TWO new nieces this month! My sister welcomed her baby girl Grace on January 10th, and my brother welcomed his baby girl Shea on January 27th. Thank you for your prayers for them!

All in all, many of us are excited and expectant for what God is doing in Denton, and how the Spirit is working to bring newness and hope to many. 

Student Testimony

Thank you for your faithful support, I wouldn’t be able to serve students or enjoy this invaluable experience without you. God is doing big things with your generosity! As always, please reach out if you have any questions or comments. 

With love,


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