Fabulous February

Hey y’all! Thank you so much for reading my blog and partnering with me in campus ministry. February was a special month. Here are some highlights!

“Galentine’s” Day Core

This year, Valentine’s Day fell on the same day as my core. We took advantage of this opportunity to throw a party! My core combined with my roommate Madisyn’s core, and a larger group of girls got to meet and celebrate. We celebrated with a Valentine Card making station, group games, cookie decorating, and other snacks and sweets. Typically the holiday focuses on romantic relationships, but we took the opportunity to focus on the love of Jesus, not exclusive to those in relationships. It was such a sweet time. Unfortunately, I was so focused on having fun that I forgot take any photos! Haha. So below I inserted a graphic instead. 

Pizza Theology

Once each semester, we have a special event called Pizza Theology. Students from all of our campuses meet to experience an intellectual deep dive into a topic related to faith and of course, eat pizza! This semester, the topic of interest was “The B-I-B-L-E- is That the Book for Me?” Several of our campus pastors prepared insightful, informative, and captivating sermons that were helpful for learning how to approach and engage with Scripture. We had such a fun time! It really seemed to minister to many of the students. Every time we get to hear from our pastors, I am blown away and so thankful that I get to work alongside them. 

Our Core: Me, Keelee, Lindsay, Debby, Alyssa, and Ping

Black History Month!

Worship Night at UNT

In honor of February as Black History Month, Keanna (an apprentice at UNT) and several of our black students helped organize an amazing worship night filled with Gospel music, spoken word and poems, African food, and dancing! We gathered together to celebrate that we have a God who unites every tribe, nation, and tongue under His Name. It was such a blessing and really ministered to me and our community. 

Worship Night

Jalynn (UNT student) and Me
A Night of Black Church

UTD FOCUS invited all of the FOCUS campuses across DFW to a night of black church! We came dressed in our Sunday best and got to praise God together, honoring Jesus as Lord in light of the variety of ways we get to praise. One of the UTA students preached a sermon on “Do Not Fear” and I left feeling so encouraged and empowered! 


Games with the Girls!

My housemates and I invited some girls over for a fun hangout! We played games, ate yummy snacks, and told funny stories. As the year progresses, it is easy to get caught up in the busyness of things. So, it was refreshing and fun to set aside some time and get to know these girls better and make lasting memories with them! 

Preaching Workshop

This month, the apprentices got to do a preaching workshop for our preaching class! We travelled to Wichita Falls to give sermons on a specific passage of the Old Testament and hear feedback on what went well and ways we can improve in the future. I had a great time and enjoyed hearing from several of the other apprentices and learned so much from this experience.

David, Veronica, Keanna, and Me Grabbing Lunch!

February Student Testimony

Be praying for our student leaders and campus pastors as we get closer to the end of the semester, that the Spirit would continue to move in powerful ways within our community!

Thank you for your generous support. I wouldn’t be able to be on campus and show students the heart of Jesus without you. God is faithful! As always, please reach out if you have any prayer requests, questions or comments. 

With love,


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