Welcoming the New School Year!

Hello everyone! Thank you so much for reading my blog and supporting me so generously. I am so excited to share my experiences from the second half of August!


Corefa Retreat

We kicked off the school year by taking our student small-group leaders (called core facilitators, or corefas) to a weekend retreat where they could learn how to be servant leaders on campus, the practicals of facilitating a core, and build relationships with one another. We were able to connect with God and each other as we prepared for the upcoming first week of classes to make students feel welcome and show them the love of Jesus. 

We enjoyed the special surprise of celebrating one of our UNT corefas, Azael, getting baptized! He shared his story and how the Lord has worked in his life to bring him to the decision to get baptized and commit to following Jesus. I was deeply encouraged and overwhelmed by the passion and sweetness of this special group of students I get to work with and cultivate friendship with. 

Welcome Weeks: Let the Games Begin…

During the first week of classes, various organizations on campus host events to welcome students back. We were able to host daily outdoor games, board games inside the student union, and serve free iced coffee as students went to class. Even the President of UNT himself spoke with us as we passed out coffee! I had such a great time connecting with the students of UNT and inviting them into friendship and community.

Throughout these past couple of weeks, I’ve been thinking through John 15:4-5, where Jesus says, “Remain in me, as I also remain in you.” These verses have ministered to me and reminded me of the importance of remaining in Jesus, since I NEED Him to do anything of value! This passage was an encouragement to me and I hope it encourages you. 

Student Testimony

Every month I will include a testimony from either a current or past student to see how God has worked in their life. Your investment is making a difference, as evidenced by the stories of so many students who found hope in Jesus. Enjoy!

Prayer Requests

- Pray for our student leaders and staff as we start up cores and 1-on-1 discipleship. That we would continue to be bold in reaching out to new students and that the Lord would give us wisdom and patience as we get to know students and lead them to Jesus.
- Pray for renewed energy as we head into the school year, full-steam ahead!

Love you all,


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