Full of Gratitude and Food for Thought

 In the spirit of thankfulness, I want to sincerely thank each of you for your consistent support and reading my blog. I couldn’t do campus ministry without you!

November was full of good memories, good food, and growing together as a community!

Pizza Theology

This is me, Katie, Keelee (my cofa) and Alyssa (left to right) enjoying our pizza and conversation!

We kicked off the month with Pizza Theology, an event hosted by FOCUS each semester. Students dedicate five hours of their Sunday evenings to engage with a speaker about a relevant topic and refuel with pizza, which is always SO delicious and life-giving. This year, Iain Provan spoke from his book “Cuckoos in Our Nest: Truth and Lies About Being Human.” It was a privilege to have Provan share his insights, especially considering he travelled all the way from Vancouver. His profound perspectives on various topics, encompassing their historical context and our trajectory, offer valuable food for thought. If you would like to learn more, his book is available on Amazon. I highly recommend!

FOCUS Friendsgiving

Friendsgiving, a clever twist on Thanksgiving, is a chance for friends to gather and celebrate our friendships. Our FOCUS Friendsgiving was a BLAST! My core joined forces with the two other Wednesday cores for a Thanksgiving- style potluck. We enjoyed delicious food, lively group games, the formation of new friends, and an energetic display of dance moves from my core while playing a classic game, Just Dance! Seeing students connect and have fun, even amidst their typically stressful finals season, left me beaming with a smile on my face that just wouldn’t go away. 

Keep FOCUS Growing (KFG)

Every year, FOCUS hosts a major fundraiser aimed at bolstering the organization’s future so that we can continue to expand our reach and faithfully serve upcoming generations of college students. With the gracious support of several donors, there is now $55,000 in matching funds available to FOCUS! I am continuously blown away by the countless life-changing stories shared by individuals during their time in FOCUS. Additionally, the generosity displayed by many of you never fails to astonish me! There is still time to give, so if you are looking to further invest, please pray about contributing to the KFG campaign. 

I will make sure to update y’all about the results in December’s blog!

Feeling Blessed

Apprentices of 2023-2024

I feel so thankful for all the sweet people in my life, all of whom I don’t deserve, but I have the privilege of sharing life’s journey with. My birthday falls in early November, along with a fellow apprentice named Veronica. Right as we walked in to one of our morning classes, we were surprised by the other apprentices who decorated the space and arranged special birthday donuts for us. They never cease to make me feel so celebrated and loved. Working alongside such genuinely sweet people moves me nearly to tears when I reflect on how immensely blessed I am by God through their presence in my life. 

Student Testimony

This month, Rian Martin from Texas Woman’s University shares her testimony. I have had the privilege of getting to know Rian this semester, she is so passionate and fun and loves people so well! I hope you are blessed by her story. 

Prayer Requests

- Pray for the girls in my core to continue to build close friendships and create space for rest as they enter finals season.
- Pray that the staff and corefas would persevere to finish the semester well and be filled with joy and hope as we are faithful friends to the people in our lives.
- Pray for the Keep FOCUS Growing campaign as it wraps up, that people will be blessed in their generosity and that God would multiply the contributions for generations to come. If you have contributed, thank you so much!

If you’ve made it this far, thank you for reading my blog! And even if you haven’t, thank you for supporting me in campus ministry!

Let me know how I can be praying for you :)

Love you all,


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