Spring Forward: March Update!

Hello everybody! Thank you so much for reading my blog and partnering with me in campus ministry. I hope these sweet moments from March bless you. 

Spring Break

The view on a restful day during break

I thought I’d kick us off by acknowledging Spring Break! Why, you may ask? Well, the break is a time for staff and students alike to take a step back from their typical routines and intentionally rest. The lesson I am learning over and over again is that it is good, in fact necessary, to rest. 

When I say rest, I do not simply mean sleep. I am referring to pausing, refreshing, and settling deeply, particularly after a period of work. 

As someone who is prone to being an overachiever and constantly on-the-go, resting has often felt foreign and frustrating to me. I find it difficult to purposefully be still. Can anyone relate? If so, there is hope for us!

As a word of encouragement, God is showing me that rest is an act of trust in Him. When we trust God to take care of us, we acknowledge His sovereignty, love, and care. This frees us to rest. Rest is a gift from God to remind us that He is good. 

I am reminded of Matthew 11:28-30. Jesus invites us to come to Him to find rest. I encourage you to read and reflect on this.

If anyone would like to learn more about rest, an article I find particularly helpful is Rest Redefined. 
Here is the link if you want to check it out: anyfocus.org/rest-redefined

Open House

Grace (roommate), Me, and Keelee (cofa)
(I got to meet their families!)

Keanna (apprentice) and Ayamae (UNT student) Giving Announcements

Our Open House event was an opportunity for family and friends to join the students on campus for our weekly large group meeting. We wanted to invite our loved ones so they can see what we’re up to each week and learn what FOCUS is all about. We also got to hear from some of the parents in the room. It was such a pleasure to hear from the students’ parents about the impact that being a part of FOCUS has had on their child. We as pastors are humbly aware that these students’ journeys began long before we met them. We wouldn’t get to work with such neat young adults without the parents’ sacrificial love for their kids that led them to this point. If you are a parent, thank you for all you do! It does not go unnoticed. 
Overall, Open House was such a joy. 

Kadie’s Baptism

This was one of the sweetest moments of my year. I got to baptize Kadie! Kadie is a UNT student who has been involved in our ministry a little over a year. We completed FOCUS’s FOJ (Focus on Jesus) Bible study together back in February, and she gave me the honor of baptizing her. It was such a sweet day to honor Jesus and His gift of grace, and celebrate Kadie making the commitment to follow Jesus as her Lord. 

Student Testimony

Thank you for reading my blog and for your consistent love and support. I couldn’t do this without you! God is using your contribution to bless many people. As always, if you would like prayer for anything, please let me know and I would love to pray for you.

Prayer Requests

- Pray for the students approaching graduation in May, that they may finish well and that God would lead them as they begin their next journey.
- Pray for students attending the Student Institute of Campus Ministry (SICM) conference in May, that God would provide for them as they fundraise and prepare their hearts to learn and impact their peers for years to come.

With love,


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