April: Firsts, Lasts, and Everything In Between

Hello there! Thank you for reading my blog and partnering with me in campus ministry. You are truly a gift and I couldn’t do it without you. 

The End of an Era

I thought I’d start this blog with an acknowledgement and celebration of the year. The school year is coming to a close, with final exams at the beginning of May. Before we know it, the end of the apprenticeship will be here when June arrives! Boy, did this year fly by. 

It has been an honor and a joy to experience working in campus ministry with such amazing people. It makes me sad to say goodbye to my core and finish my Focus on Jesus (FOJ) studies, but I am very grateful for the memories.

Here are some pictures to celebrate what God has accomplished this year :)

Our Last Core

My Last FOJ study with Mackenzie (top) and Emily (left) featuring a beautiful rose garden we visited!

My First TNF Sermon

While life comes with many lasts, it also comes with many firsts. This month I got to preach my first sermon at our weekly fellowship night (TNF). I preached over Philippians 4:1-9. I am very thankful for all of you who came out and supported me. I feel blessed beyond measure. My sweet friend and co- core facilitator (aka “cofa”) Keelee gave me flowers! So precious. If you’d like to listen, you can check it out on Instagram @dentonfocus. 

Outreach on Campus

We like to regularly dedicate time for outreach to students on campus. This month’s outreach booth went so well! We asked students to rate their semesters from 1-5 with jars and sparked conversation with them. I am so proud of our own students coming out to serve their campus (pictured in the photo below). I was happy to meet those who came by. One girl mentioned that she had been praying to find a ministry the very night before! What a God deal. 

Denton North Church Retreat

The Denton FOCUS staff, as well as many FOCUS students, attend Denton North Church (DNC). Each year, they host a weekend church retreat. It is a chance for members to connect with each other and God. I had such a restful and fun time! Many of us learned to play new games such as human foosball and enjoyed the beautiful day outdoors. By the end of retreat, I felt more connected to DNC and so thankful for this neat church family. 

Student Testimony

Prayer Requests

- Pray for our group of students going to SICM, a yearly student ministry leadership conference in Washington. That they will be enriched by what they learn and know God better, feeling more equipped to love others like Jesus.
- Pray for students as they enter final exams, that their exams go well and they enter the summer well.

Thank You Never Goes Without Saying!

Thank you for your generous support. I wouldn’t be able to be on campus and show students the heart of Jesus without you. God is faithful! As always, please reach out if you have any prayer requests, questions or comments. 

With love,


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