SICM and End of Year Festivities!

Hi there! Thank you so much for reading my blog and partnering with me this year in campus ministry. I couldn’t have done it without you. God has used your generosity in big ways!


Each year, FOCUS sends a group of students to SICM. Student Institute of Campus Ministry (SICM) is a campus ministry student leader conference in Washington state. Students get to learn practical tips and personal growth in areas such as small group leadership, evangelism, prayer, worship, and more. This year, we sent almost 150 students! That’s 150 more students empowered to be leaders on their campuses, largely thanks to you who generously give and make this possible. 

They had such a wonderful and enriching time. The first few days we got to do some sight-seeing in Seattle. We had a blast! I loved connecting with students I do not usually get time with. The following week we spent in Bellingham at Hillcrest Church attending sessions by our talented and devoted pastoral team. I am so grateful that I got to attend and see so many students walk away much more encouraged and on fire for Jesus and loving others than when they walked in. Also, I want to give a shoutout to all of the host families who volunteered to take in some college students for the week! Their hospitality and generosity were inspiring and so sweet to experience. 

The photos below include various sight-seeing activities and in-between sessions!

End of Year Party

We had our Denton FOCUS End of Year Party at a beautiful park and lake in Grapevine! It was a bittersweet time, as I said goodbye to my core (top left). Keelee, the girl I got to lead core with this year, was moved to tears (pictured top right). Nonetheless, we had fun making some final memories of the school year together, singing worship, and honoring our graduating seniors.
All in all, this party reminded me of how blessed I am to do this and made me excited for the school year to come!

Fundraising Season

In case you haven’t heard, I have decided to stay on staff with FOCUS and will officially be a full-time campus pastor! I will be staying at The University of North Texas this next year. 
As a minister with FOCUS, I fundraise my salary. I am 50% fundraised to my goal and looking for people who would like to partner with me. If you are already on my support team, thank you so much! If you know anyone who may be interested to learn more or would be encouraged to hear about campus ministry, please let me know! If you have any referrals or questions, you can reach me via email or cell.

Cell: 8177279602

Prayer Requests

Thank you for faithfully reading my blog and praying all these months of my apprenticeship.
If you have been on my prayer team this year, thank you! If you are new to my blog, welcome!

Below are some things you can be praying for this month:

 - Pray for the students as they enter the summer. Pray that they would make time to rest and continue to be spiritually nourished. Also that they may be blessings to their families as they return home for the summer.

- Pray for our staff as we pray and prepare for the school year ahead.

- Pray for our weekly ministry-wide meetings during the summer (Summer FOCUS), that God moves in big ways in students’ hearts and lives through this change of pace. 

Student Testimony

Thank you for your generous support. I wouldn’t be able to be on campus and show students the heart of Jesus without you. God is faithful! As always, please reach out if you have any prayer requests, questions or comments. 

With love,


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