Joyful June

Hello there! Thank you so much for reading my blog and partnering with me in campus ministry. 

I want to give a special welcome to those of you who have newly joined my team. I am so excited to partner with you. I greatly appreciate your generosity and prayers.

Enjoy reading the adventures of June!

Farewell to the Apprenticeship

It’s hard to believe that the apprenticeship has officially come to a close. When I reflect on this year, there seems to be a slideshow of memories flooding my mind with the song “Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)” by Green Day accompanying them, haha. This year was a beautiful mix of challenging, encouraging, and enriching. To all of you who partnered with me and made this experience possible, THANK YOU! I am excited to see how the Lord moves in each of our lives. It is also bittersweet to say farewell to the three apprentices who are transitioning to new jobs, but I am so excited for all the ways God will move through them in the workforce. Our staff is excited to welcome 5 new apprentices to FOCUS for the 2024-2025 school year. Stay tuned!

Summer FOCUS

Although the school year is over, our ministry is not! Every summer, all FOCUS campuses gather together on Thursday nights for fellowship, worship, a sermon, and building new friendships across campuses. 

This summer, the theme of our sermons is “Embracing Life.” Each week, we focus on a different topic, such as “Embracing Hope”, “Embracing God”, and “Embracing our Limits.” This series has been so impactful both to me and our students. We begin to ask questions like, how do I respond to difficulty? What does it look like to embrace hope rather than comfort or fear? How can we let God embrace us? How do I embrace my limits in a world that sees them as weakness?

As the pace of daily life slows down a bit in the summer, I find it to be a great opportunity to spend more time reflecting and pondering these things.  This summer, I invite you to also reflect on your past year alongside me, and together we can embrace life.

What’s Denton Been Up To?

Keelee and Diana’s 21st Birthday Party! It was Clue-themed, so we all came wearing a character’s color and played Clue together. It was a blast!

We love our Denton staff babies! Here are two of them: Owen (left) and Eli (right). They bring us so much joy! I get to see them at women’s staff meetings each week and small group. 


I am currently about 60% fundraised for the 2024-2025 school year, thanks to your generosity! I am so blessed to know each one of you. I am looking to continue building my team so I am able to continue working on campus. If you know of anyone who might be interested in joining my support team, or simply encouraged to hear more about what I do, please reach out to me! Here is a graphic you can share with your friends and family.  

Student Testimony

Prayer Requests

- Pray for the students as they are away for the summer, that they would be provided for and spiritually nourished while community looks different than the school year. That they would seek God and know His love that surpasses understanding. 
- Pray for the rest of the staff as we continue to fundraise, that those who are called to give might be led to us and that God moves powerfully through the connections being built.

- Pray for the incoming freshmen and school year ahead, that the Lord would go before us as we reach out to students, and that all of our campuses would be touched by the love of Jesus through us in a special way this year. 

Thank you for your generous support. I wouldn’t be able to be on campus and show students the heart of Jesus without you. God is faithful! As always, please reach out if you have any prayer requests, questions or comments. 

With love,


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